Class 1 ... January 25
Hand out syllabus
Fill out introduction survey
Laurel introduction in 10 links
Link introduction
Go over syllabus
Set up class websites
Do questions webring!
Read the five pieces below. Write a journal entry (on your computer -- save as a simple .txt file for now) with your reflections.

The Internet's Back-to-the-Land Movement by Becca Abbe (2019)

On How to Grow an Idea by Jenny Odell (2018)

Learning Trails by Leo Shaw (2019)

On Building Knowledge Networks by Édouard U (2018)

Interview with Charles Broskoski on by Laurel Schwulst (2017)
Class 2 ... February 1
Discuss readings from last class
Look at 10 net art links
Go over class infrastructure — Dropbox Paper,, Class Websites
Sign up for weekly interview times
Introduce P1. 25 Variations, Phase 1
Look at some Concrete Poetry
Talk about places to find poems
Go over Browser Tools
Go over Overview to HTML, CSS, JS
Introduce HTML
Working time
Finish levels 1 and 2 of P1. 25 Variations. You should have 10 HTML pages uploaded to your class website for next time.
Read & watch the below. Write a journal entry with your reflections and post to your class website. Consider the form of your reflection regarding our readings & discussion from last time.
Reading & Watching

"A History of the Internet" Talk by Laurel Schwulst (2021)

Reboot the World by Paul Ford (2016)

My Website Is A Shifting House Next to a River of Knowledge. What Could Yours Be? by Laurel Schwulst (2018)

Fruitful Presentation by Min Guhong (2021) — Min will be our guest lecturer next week ... all the way from Seoul! Feel free to come with questions for him.
Class 3 ... February 8
Guest talk by Min Guhong:
Background on Min: (break)Talk about Wordle
Look at Levels 1 and 2 of P1. 25 Variations
Review HTML
Introduce CSS
Finish levels 3 and 4 of P1. 25 Variations. You should have 10 more HTML pages (variations 11–20) uploaded to your class website for next time.
Read & watch the below. Write a journal entry with your reflections and post to your class website.
Sign up for Explore the platform. Try creating a channel in this spirit. (It can have any content -- maybe something you're interested in?) Title your channel to give it direction / dimension. Do any new ideas come about after you give it a name? Reflect on this process in your journal this week, too.

All You Need Is Links by Gordon Brander (2022)

Octavia Butler & Samuel Delany in conversation at MIT (1998)

Kameelah Janan Rasheed on research and archiving (2017)

(OPTIONAL) Paul Chan at the NY Art Book Fair video lecture (2012)
Class 4 ... February 15
Break into groups of 3
Reading discussion
Look at channels
Look at Levels 3 and 4 of P1. 25 Variations
Review CSS basics
Introduce layout and animations in CSS
Do café menu exercise
I will send you personal feedback via email (by Wednesday evening) on your 20 variations so far with observations and small recommendations. Use my feedback to make any edits to your first 20 variations.
Finish level 5 of P1. 25 Variations. By next time, you will have all 25 variations!
Pause on readings this week
Class 5 ... February 22
Lecture by Julia Weist (on Zoom, via Rosa McElheny's class at Yale happening at same time!)
Look at channels
Talk about weekly interviews
Introduce P1. Phase 2
Navigation demo
Look at some novel navs
Working time
Finish P1 in totality: Phase 1 (25 Variations) & Phase 2 (navigation system), ready to share next time. Also, be ready to read your poem aloud when you share your complete project. Thanks!
Pause on readings this week
Class 6 ... March 1
P1 is due ... everyone shares their complete project with reading aloud poem :)
Interview share by MiKayla
Introduce P2. 72 Microseasons
Start immersing yourself in the second project:
- Learn as much as you can about the 72 Microseasons. Create a journal entry on your class website about what you've discovered and find most interesting, or any questions you have.
- Then, contribute any new material you've found to my channel "Tiny Seasons" on
- Make some simple "sketches" in the form of 2-5 .html documents of some possible directions for your 72 Microseasons website. Upload to your class website for next time.
Class 7 ... March 15
Interview share by Weilyn & Lana
Go over first sketches & ideas for P2
Look at calendars and tiny seasons
For our at-home workshop this week, sign up for a month of the year
Continue working on P2. More info about this in my weekly email.
I will send you an at-home workshop to do this week after class. You will make a calendar for one month of the forthcoming year using CSS Grid. When you're done, upload to your class website as "Exercise 3."
Class 8 ... March 22
Guest leads us through creating your own personal map of the internet
Interview share by Tindar & Ella
Microseasons project updates
Continue working on microseasons, be ready with updates next week
Class 9 ... March 29
Interview share by Bashar
Look at CSS Grid Calendar exercises
Microseasons project updates
( break )
Look at:
Responsive CSS
Basics of JavaScript
Keep working on your Microseasons project — bring it to code this week. Be ready to show me a "complete" version next week ... meaning that the essential parts are there in code, and it works on mobile (more or less). Does not have to be perfect!
Class 10 ... April 5
We are not meeting in-person this class. Just come to your 1on1 virtual time, which you can sign up for here: Sign up for 1on1 Virtual Meeting
Still life activity (coming soon — on your own time)
P2 Microseasons is due next week. Be ready to share :)
Class 11 ... April 12
Interview share by Darius
Final share on P2!
( break )
Introduce P3. Personal Maps of the Internet
Discuss as class internet maps idea
Work in class time
Sketch your internet maps, bring ready to share next time
Class 12 ... April 19
Interview shares by Christine, Monique, Sekinat
Share internet maps
Break into small groups to brainstorm on publishing format
Work in class time
Class 13 ... April 26
Interview share by Catherine
Work in class on compiling final P3 collective publication, our flip book
Last Task
By next week (Tuesday, May 3rd at 11:59pm EST), all work from class is due as a .zip file, sent to me ( via WeTransfer ( This archival .zip file will contain all your project materials divided into folders titled: P1, P2, P3, exercises, journal, and interview. (Note if you have been keeping your class site up to date and organized, you shouldn't have to do too much work here.) Thank you!