Hosting & Domain

About this guide

Hi, welcome to our setting up hosting & domain guide.

This can be a pretty confusing and wide-ranging topic -- actually getting your site online. That's why we are starting with vocabulary, which should be consistent across different methods. And for clarity, we decided to in-detail map out two specific ways you can get your site online.

Note: our weekly guides aim to provide a general landscape ... an overall survey of what’s most essential about the technology at hand and the basics of how to use it. From a technical or skill perspective, our guides are not exhaustive or thorough because there are already many other resources on the internet that are just that. We encourage you to check them out -- we’ve linked some.

Part 0. Vocabulary

First, let's look again at some vocabulary — which should be consistent across the web, no matter which hosting provider or DNS registrar you use.

Later in this guide, we will show how to get your site online in two different ways (A. NearlyFreeSpeech, B. Github Pages), but this vocabulary will be helpful should you choose a way we don't specifically go over.

📝 website a file or a bundle of files living on a server somewhere
🖥 server a computer that’s always connected to the internet, so when someone types your URL or domain in, the server will offer up your website. usually you have to pay for a server, also called “hosting” or a “host.”
📍 IP “internet protocol” address, which is a unique string of numbers that’s an address for any device connected to the internet which other machines use to find that device—whether it's your home router, your computer, your cellphone, or a server,
〰️ domain an understandable piece of language that points to an IP address,,
URL “universal resource location” which is the specific address to access any resource. if you type in a domain name, most servers will present you index.html by default,
hosting provider a business that handles providing servers / web hosting

In this example we'll use, but there are many others.
domain name registrar a business that handles the reservation of domain names as well as the assignment of IP addresses for those domain names. contracts for domains are typically on a yearly basis.

In this example we'll use, but there are many others, like,, and Note some hosting companies are also domain name registrars.


DNS “domain name system” which is like all the phonebooks of the entire internet

humans use domain names 〰️, while on the other hand, web browsers use IP addresses 📍, so DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load internet resources
📗 nameserver a single phonebook that is owned by the hosting provider that lists all the domain names associated with its customers
〰️📍 DNS record a line in the metaphorical phonebook
TLD a “top-level domain” is the rightmost part of a domain name such as .com. certain TLDs are reserved for specific geographic areas or societal services

Other examples include .org, .net, .school, etc. New TLDs are added every year, see this list on Wikipedia. Google around for the latest.

So in this guide, we will...

1. Buy a domain name 〰️

2. Set up hosting 🖥

and finally...

3. Connect hosting to domain 🖥📍〰️

Part 1. Buy a domain name 〰️

In this example, we are using the DNS registrar, but you can use your preferred DNS registrar if you have one. Some others include,, and

First, go to 💁〰️ and type in your chosen domain name.

Add that domain to your cart and start checking out.

It's up to you if you want to include the extra $4.99 “whois privacy.” Adding this will ensure that your personal information is not available for spammers.

For more information ... you can look up the details of any domain in Whois Lookup, which is public. Here you can see has my old mailing address because I didn't purchase privacy, and alternatively you can see's contact information is redacted because we did purchase privacy.

Select duration as one year unless you're feeling confident about the future. will also prompt you to create an account or log into your existing account...

Place your order.

Congrats! You just bought a domain.

We will come back to this domain name registrar once we have our hosting set up, so remember to keep your login information saved or handy...

Part 2. Set up hosting 🖥

As mentioned in the vocabulary section, a host or server is essentially a computer that's always connected to the internet. When you use a hosting provider, you are renting/using space on this special computer always connected to the internet. You do this so that when someone types your URL in, this server will offer up your website.

Bahnhof’s Nuclear-Proof Servers

Bahnhof’s nuclear-proof servers (extreme example)

Options for hosting

In this guide, we show two possible paths you could take with hosting. Note that there are many possible hosting configurations you could use, and these are just two. (We have mapped out a handful of other options in our appendix at the end.)

Option A.
Option B.
Github Pages
  • Straightforward
    same setup as Fruitful Portal, access via SFTP (Cyberduck) or SSH (Terminal)
  • Cheap and reasonable
    2–5 cents per day ... and transparent about its pricing (requires no upfront yearly commitment, pay for what you use)
  • Allows non-static sites
    Ability to use other dynamic web programming down the line, like PHP and node.js
  • Not free
  • Free!
  • Widely used
  • Learning curve
    Not as straightforward — setting up and maintaining a Github repository can be confusing at first and takes some getting used to.
  • Size limitation
    Github Pages sites have file size upload limitations
  • Slight delay
    Github Pages sites sometimes take a little while to update after you push new code
  • Limited to static sites only
    No dynamic web programming, like PHP and node.js
I choose NearlyFreeSpeech ... I choose Github Pages ...

The path forks here...

(That is, you'll choose either option A, option B, or your own setup...)

But what doesn't change is what we'll be doing next:

2A. Hosting on NearlyFreeSpeech

For nearlyfreespeech, we will adapt the goals and do the following steps:

  1. Create or log into your account at (NFS)
  2. Set up a new site inside your NFS account
  3. Connect to your new NFS hosting and upload something via SFTP with Cyberduck as a test
  4. Test that the hosting works on the temporary URL given from NFS

1. Create or log into your account at (NFS)

First, navigate to 💁🖥‍ and click "Sign Up Now."

Follow steps 1–4.

Regarding step 4, funding your account — we recommend depositing around $20, but you can deposit less and try it out for a while. If the money runs out, your website will go offline. will email you when you're getting close to this limit.)

2. Set up a new site inside your NFS account

Next, let's set up your website. Click on the "sites" tab...

And click "Create a new site" on the right...

Type in a "site short name". This is kind of like an alias for your site.

Then click "Next".

On the following screen, add a canonical name and an additional alias. These should be your domain name (that you purchased just before) with and without the www part. Select "No" for setting up DNS. Next...

Choose the default Server Type, the first one (Apache 2.4, PHP, CGI).

Choose the default Site Plan, the "Production".

Note: Likely many of you you could instead choose "Non-Production" which is a little cheaper. But we recommend "Production" in case any of your sites get a lot of traffic since the bandwidth limit is a little higher.

Click "Finish"!

Finally, you should end up at this dashboard page about the site you just created!

This "site dashboard" is a helfpul page. We will come back to it in future steps. The areas we'll reference later include: "Site Names & Aliases", "SSH/SFTP Information", and "IP Address". Keep these handy for later...

3. Connect to your new NFS hosting and upload something via SFTP with Cyberduck as a test

Now let's connect to this host using SFTP with our FTP client, 🦆 Cyberduck...

Open up 🦆 Cyberduck

Click the "+" button in the lower left corner

Change the upper dropdown to say "SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)."
Make sure to do this, if you select normal "FTP" it won't work.

You can fill in the nickname to be your site's title

Find that "SSH/SFTP information" from

Copy over the information into Cyberduck. Your password should be your account password for

There is no "Done" button, so just press the red circle to close in the upper left corner.

You should now see that you added a bookmark to your 🦆 Cyberduck home. You'll see your site's nickname there. Double click on it to open...

You should see an empty area because there are no files here yet.

Try creating a new file in your text editor called index.html, as a test...

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Testing 123</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    Hello worlds
...and drag it over to Cyberduck.
You have now uploaded index.html to your server.

4. Test that the hosting works on the temp URL given from NFS

Finally, let's test that it is online.

On your site's dashboard page on nearlyfreespeech, find your "Permanent Site Alias", which should be

http://(your site's short name goes here)

It works!

Next let's connect this NearlyFreeSpeech hosting to your custom domain...

2B. Hosting on GitHub Pages

No need to follow this if you already chose NearlyFreeSpeech. This is the other fork in the road!

To set up hosting using GitHub Pages, we will...

  1. Create a GitHub repository
  2. Push a test to this repository to see it's working
  3. Enable GitHub Pages on the repository
  4. Test that the hosting works on the temporary URL given

But first, you might be wondering...

What is GitHub?!

GitHub is a platform that lets you host your code. This makes it easy for collaborating with others on the same code and also version control.

Note that GitHub is a centralized platform owned by Microsoft. The technology it uses, git, is decentralized.

Here is GitHub's getting started guide for reference.

I first used GitHub when I was working in a professional coding setting with others (this was the design studio Linked by Air for me). There, I needed to collaborate with my co-workers on the same code base. It felt really pro to use GitHub, but also it took me a long time to fully understand. A lot of the confusing aspects of git and GitHub are put into place so that code isn't accidentally deleted.
— Laurel

When we use GitHub for its hosting product GitHub Pages, we aren't using a lot of its powerful functionality including collaborative and version control features. So it might seem confusing at first...

Here is some GitHub-specific vocabulary that might be useful...

repository a vessel / container for a single project on GitHub
push upload / update changes to the repository
pull download / update changes from the repository
commit the preliminary step before you push, this is a way of saving your changes / updates to the repository. every commit needs a "commit message" that describes what you are updating

Before we begin...

If you don't already have an account on GitHub, create one.

Download the desktop application Github Desktop.

1. Create a GitHub repository

Open up GitHub Desktop program on your computer.

From here, sign into your GitHub account by going to GitHub Desktop / Preferences in the upper bar navigation.

From here, find a menu or link that allows you to "Create a new repository". It might be hiding in the left menu.

In the popup that follows, insert a name for your repository. I would recommend using the domain name that you registered, but it could be something else too.

You will also want to specify where your repository lives. I chose my "Sites" folder, which is where all my sites live on my computer. (Personally, mine are in my Dropbox, but up to you where this is.)

Once you do this, you will see that GitHub Desktop has created a new folder inside your "Sites" folder (or wherever you specified your repository to be saved) titled whatever you called your repository.

2. Push a test to this repository to see that it's working

Now, try creating a new file in your text editor called index.html, as a test...

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Testing 123</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    Hello worlds

Then save this index.html inside of your repository's folder.

When you return to your GitHub Desktop app, you should notice a change. It sees that you added a file. That's why you see some text highlighted in green on the right.

Next, you'll want to:

1. Write a "commit" message (describing what you changed / updated)

2. Press the "Commit to main" blue button

After that...

3. Press the "Publish repository" button at the top.

And finally, you'll get a popup. Press the blue "Publish Repository" button. (Up to you if you want to keep your code private or not.) This will make your local code on your computer go online, to your repository on GitHub.

3. Enable GitHub Pages on the repository

Now that we uploaded to GitHub, let's navigate to the repository's page on Make sure you're logged in.

The URL should be something like: github username here)/(your repository name here)

Then, click on "Settings" in the upper right area.

Once you're on the Settings page, scroll down to where it says "GitHub Pages". Where it says "Source", select the dropdown and choose "main". Then press "Save" to the right.

4. Test that the hosting works on the temporary URL given

Once you press "Save", the Settings page will reload. Scroll back down to where it says "GitHub Pages", and you'll find a line that says:

Your site is ready to be published at:
https://(your github username) repository name)

Click this link. If you don't see anything at first, or get an error, try checking back in a few minutes. (Sometimes there is some lag with GitHub pages.)

Eventually, you should get something like this...

It works!

Next let's connect this GitHub Pages hosting to your custom domain...

Part 3. Connect host to domain 🖥📍〰️

For this, choose your path (same as last part)...

3A. Connect domain to hosting on NearlyFreeSpeech

3B. Connect domain to hosting on GitHub Pages

3A. Connect domain to hosting on NearlyFreeSpeech

  1. Add "A" records to your domain name registrar with the IP of your host as the answer
  2. Test that your real domain name works

1. Add "A" records to your domain name registrar with the IP of your host as the answer

On your site's dashboard page on, copy your site's top IP address at the very bottom of the page. Keep it handy for this next part...

My site's IP is:

Then navigate back to, and click on "My Domains"...

Find the domain you just purchased, click on it.

Once you're on its page, click "Manage DNS"...

Once you're here, you'll want to add two "A" records. Each one's answer should be your IP address from nearlyfreespeech. One should have the "Host" area as "www".

Click "Add Record" for each.

2. Test that your real domain name works

Now, wait a moment, and navigate to your domain name. In my case, it's It works! Now you can drag and drop your site's real files into 🦆 Cyberduck to publish your full site.

p.s. Laurel created this video a couple years ago that is more or less the entire above process for NearlyFreeSpeech, in case it's useful! (Note: This video uses FTP, but we would recommend you use SFTP)

3B. Connect domain to hosting on GitHub Pages

The below was adapted from this helpful article.

  1. Enable "Custom domain" on the Settings page
  2. In your DNS registrar, add 4 A records and 1 CNAME record

1. Enable "Custom domain" on the Settings page

Go back to the “Settings” page for your repository and scroll back down to the “Github Pages” part. You should see an area that says “Custom domain.” Here you can type your custom domain. You don’t need to type the www part. Then press "save".

2. In your DNS registrar, add 4 A records and 1 CNAME record

Log into your DNS registrar. In our case, it's

Make the following additions to your DNS records for your chosen domain...

Add these A records:

Then add a CNAME record…

www (host) (answer) ← remember to fill in your Github username here

If all of this is done correctly, you should be able to go to your custom domain and see the test site!

Now that we've tested it works, you can add all your final site's content to the repository's folder on your computer...

In the above image, you see we added our complete site's files, organized into folders for css, js, and images assets. You can divide your site however you want, this is just showing one possible way.

Once you add the new files, then open up GitHub Desktop, and you'll see it notices changes! (Note the green and red highlighting... things deleted and added, respectively.)

Next, add a commit message and press "commit to main"...

And then push your repository...

There might be a bit of a lag, but your website should update a couple minutes after pushing. To confirm that the changes made it to GitHub, often I like to go back to my repository's page on

Finishing Touches


Always remember your <title>, which goes inside the <head> of your document and shows up in your browser tab, search engine results, when the website is posted to social media, etc.


A favicon is the small icon or icons associated with a specific webpage.

To include a favicon, include this line of code inside the <head> of your HTML, with the path leading to wherever your (usually square) .png favicon is:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png">

Note that originally favicons were designed to be a tiny 16x16 pixels, but now you can supply them in various sizes. To accommodate for all the devices and sizes you'll need, we would recommend using a favicon generator, as seen in the last two links below:

Meta Tags

Meta tags in the <head> of your document help other services like search engines and social media best present and understand your website. Check out all of the meta tags on the site, for instance:

<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<meta property="og:title" content="Fruitful School">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
<meta property="og:description" content=" is an independently-run learning initiative for making 'fruitful websites' founded in 2020 by Laurel Schwulst and John Provencher and is dedicated to exploring new ways of publishing together using the www. For our Fall 2020 workshop, participants will hang out and work together online to self-publish a piece to the www over the course of 6 weeks.">
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:url" content="">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Fruitful School">

You can read a good intro to meta tags, the "og:" Open Graph Protocol, and how to format your sites to best appear on social media here:

There are also a handful of useful tools like the Twitter Card Validator that lets you preview your site on Twitter.

SSL, https://, securing your site

More and more, it's becoming important to secure your sites. This means having an SSL certificate / using the protocol HTTPS (with an "s" for secure) instead of regular HTTP.

For most sites, the easiest way to do this is setting up a free account on Cloudflare and following the steps they provide. Here is a short video tutorial I made to show how to do this.

However, if you're using GitHub Pages, you don't need to use Cloudflare. All you need to do is go to the Settings page of your repository, scroll down to "GitHub Pages" and then check the checkbox for HTTPS. Note it might take up to 24 hours to go into effect.


If you want to know who is visiting your site, you can install analytics...

Testing on different browsers, devices...

Don't forget to test your site in different settings and with different people. Everyone has a unique setup and constraints, and it's natural some bugs might come up. helps with knowing which code is cross-browser compatible.

Laurel's guide to starting a local server helps to test your site on mobile without having to upload it to the whole internet first.

WEBAim's Resources let you test your site so it's better usable by people with disabilities.


"Table of Options for Publishing Websites in 2020..."


Host Type Details Examples Price Good for…
Basic mostly static but might allow PHP NearlyFreeSpeech.NET, GoDaddy, Bluehost, Dreamhost, Mediatemple $ Most people wanting to deploy basic site
Dynamic lots of control, can run webapps etc. Digital Ocean, Linode, Rackspace $ People wanting lots of control, pro’s
Static only HTML, CSS, frontend JS Github Pages, Glitch, Netlify free For small sites. Note many of these have size and bandwidth limitations.
Peer to Peer (own computer is server) experimental—note when your computer is offline the website is also offline. also requires special protocol like dat:// and sometimes special browser, Beaker Browser Dat, IPFS, Beaker Browser free Idealistic people, small sites
Self-hosted experimental solar-powered raspberry pi as server free-ish Experimental conceptual people

old server

"This machine is a server. DO NOT POWER IT DOWN!!"

Content Management Systems (CMS)

CMS Type Examples Note
Static Jekyll, Hugo, Gatsby (you can use services like Siteleaf or Contentful to have a friendly user interface for these) Require running terminal commands to test and generate HTML locally
PHP Kirby, Wordpress (30% of the world’s websites) Require booting PHP server locally to test, like MAMP
Blogging platforms Tumblr, Blogger, Ghost Don’t require own hosting, only domain purchase
Crazy hacks Unconventional backends like, Airtable, Google Sheets, Notion Experimental, good for smaller sites. Google around for tutorials
None A CMS isn’t always the best solution. Sometimes no CMS allows for the most flexibility, especially if the only editor is the site creator. Note the indieweb principle, “manual until it hurts”

🍋 Try this

Find your domain name. Use whatever tools you need, maybe...

Once you decide your domain, buy it. Then choose one of the methods (NearlyFreeSpeech or GitHub Pages) and try getting your site online!